Qohash for Data Discovery and Classification

Automatically find, classify and safeguard your regulated sensitive data. Slice through false positives with surgically precise, contextualized results.

Know your data

To establish a comprehensive data security strategy, organizations must prioritize obtaining complete visibility across all sensitive data types. This essential step is foundational to effective data protection. By utilizing data discovery and classification techniques, organizations can categorize data according to its level of sensitivity, allowing for targeted protection measures and prompt action.

“Recently, the market for data discovery and classification tools underwent important changes. There is now a specific and growing market for privacy management and data tracking that includes classification capabilities that specifically discover, for example, personally identifiable information (PII) as a category.”

Gartner, 2023 Strategic Roadmap for Data Security Platform Adoption, Brian Lowens, September 22, 2022
The Gartner document is available upon request from Qohash.

The Qohash difference

Qohash finds and secures the sensitive data that’s most critical to your business. It not only finds specific data elements, but it also assigns each element a likelihood score. It then ranks risk according to sensitive data type, enabling your team to cut through the noise and focus on the real risks, faster.

Data element level

Qohash doesn’t just look at files – it finds and scans specific data elements within those files. Get precise and accurate views of what sensitive data you have.

Find all your data

Zero in on the unstructured data blindspot throughout your environment. Find and classify PII, PCI, PHI as well as organization-specific custom sensitive information.

No File Size Limit

Qohash scans files of unlimited size, including SAS files, file databases, zip files and email archives.

10 to 50X Faster

When it comes to preparing for an audit or responding to a security incident, every second counts. See immediate results and accelerate your risk reduction.

Visibility and control

When assessing risk, you need visibility into what’s in the file, as each element carries a specific risk level. Qohash goes one step further and gives you visibility and context on the sensitive data contained in files. Uncover blindspots throughout your entire organization.

Get accurate and actionable insights

Data mapped to regulations

Qohash provides an inventory of regulated data across every data source and insight into all sensitive data critical exposure points. See how much sensitive data is on business systems and who has access to it.

Intuitive risk dashboard

Qohash’s easy-to-use dashboard provides, at a glance, the most critical areas of exposure at breakneck speed. The interface is configurable to fit your organization’s needs and reflect your risk sensitivity.

Downloadable audit reports

Get comprehensive reports on your sensitive data and gain total clarity into which sensitive data types are at higher risk.

Find your unstructured data on systems used
by employees every day

Customer Story

Identify risk swiftly with Qohash

“Qohash gets me the answers I need faster, while having a much lighter footprint than my previous tool.”

Demonstrate the implementation of effective data discovery and classification mechanisms to safeguard the confidentiality of customer information and mitigate potential threats and unauthorized access.

Discover how Canada’s most trusted brand got the answers we needed 10 to 50x faster, with less overhead, infrastructure, and maintenance activity required.

Logo Qohash
By initiative
Regulatory compliance:
Find, classify and inventory all sensitive data, across every data source
Data breach prevention:
Monitor sensitive data 24/7, track data lineage, and enforce policies at endpoints
Microsoft 365
One easy-to-use platform to secure sensitive data on Windows workstations and M365
By regulation
Law 25
Why Qohash
Defy legacy limitations
What our customers say about us

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