Shift into proactive risk monitoring in Microsoft

One easy-to-use platform to secure sensitive data on Windows workstations and M365

What Qostodian scans

Qohash Workstation icon


Windows 7/10/11







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Advantages for Microsoft users

Comprehensive blindspot coverage

Align workstation scanning and inventorying with cloud security to scan without limitations. Qostodian finds files of every size and scans over 135 extensions.

Faster incident response

Track the extent of a data leak in milliseconds with indexed search that puts granular information on each data element, employee interaction, and exact location at your fingertips.

Proactive threat hunting

Files can be 1000s of pages. Leverage 24/7 tracking of each individual data element in your file and employee interactions with those elements, to receive timely risk insights.

Qostodian for M365


OneDrive, often treated like personal workspaces, can inadvertently harbor sensitive information that's freely moved, both within the cloud and onto workstations. Qostodian offers a comprehensive approach, identifying and safeguarding risky data within OneDrive, whether directly stored or duplicated on workstations. With Qostodian for M365, you gain proactive control over potential data leaks, ensuring comprehensive coverage of sensitive content. Safeguard your organization from inadvertent data exposure, optimizing security measures to encompass every avenue of risk.


SharePoint, while a vital source of information, can quickly become a liability when permissions are mismanaged, leading to unintended data exposure. Qostodian brings clarity and actionability to your SharePoint ecosystem, enabling you to harness the wealth of data without compromising security. With Qostodian for M365, sensitive information is safeguarded, and the overwhelming volume of data is tamed, ensuring efficient management and utilization. Take control of your data landscape and empower your organization with M365's comprehensive approach to SharePoint management.


Email communication, while efficient, poses significant risks of sensitive data exfiltration through attachments and dormant content. Qostodian offers comprehensive visibility into employee email repositories, unveiling dormant sensitive data before it becomes a threat. With Qostodian for M365, proactively manage potential risks and ensure the safeguarding of sensitive information. Stay steps ahead of data breaches, enabling informed decisions to mitigate vulnerabilities and enhance your overall security posture.


As file sharing via Teams becomes a prevalent method of communication, the risk of data exfiltration when engaging with external parties becomes pronounced. Qostodian offers unmatched visibility into shared files within conversations, providing crucial insights into participants' identities. With Qostodian for M365, proactively manage data sharing risks, enabling precise actions to be taken to safeguard sensitive information. Enhance your remote work security posture by staying informed and in control of file sharing dynamics, ensuring secure collaboration in every interaction.

Key Features

Actionable risk indicators and insights

Actionable risk indicators and insights

  • Risk profiles for every employee and data element
  • Employee benchmarking and watch lists
  • Monthly organizational risk evolution report
  • Policy violation alerts (data accumulation, exfiltration and deletion)

Data element searches for faster incident response

  • Data propagation search (data elements, employees, locations) 
  • Data never leaves the customer’s environment
  • Indexed search for a specific data element
  • Alerts when employees are violating policies
Data element searches for faster incident response
Logo Qohash
By initiative
Regulatory compliance:
Find, classify and inventory all sensitive data, across every data source
Data breach prevention:
Monitor sensitive data 24/7, track data lineage, and enforce policies at endpoints
Microsoft 365
One easy-to-use platform to secure sensitive data on Windows workstations and M365
By regulation
Law 25
Why Qohash
Defy legacy limitations
What our customers say about us

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