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Create Custom Sensitive Information Types: Reinforce Your Data Security Today


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In today’s rapidly evolving digital landscape, safeguarding sensitive information has become paramount for organizations across various industries. As data breaches continue to make headlines and regulatory compliance becomes increasingly stringent, businesses need proactive solutions that adapt to their unique data security requirements. Enter customizable sensitive information types, a feature that empowers organizations to enhance their security posture and protect proprietary data with unparalleled control and accuracy.

What is customizable sensitive information?

Creating custom sensitive information types is a powerful feature offered by Qostodian, a leading data security platform. It allows users to create and manage custom regexes, enabling the identification and classification of proprietary sensitive information types that may not be covered by default scans. With this feature, organizations gain the flexibility to define their own regex patterns, ensuring comprehensive protection for their unique and confidential data assets.

Why is it important?

The ability to create custom sensitive information types addresses the limitations of traditional data security platforms by providing organizations with the tools to identify and safeguard their proprietary sensitive information effectively. By incorporating custom regexes, organizations can bridge the gap between their specific data security requirements and the capabilities of default scans, bolstering their overall data protection strategy. Without this feature, organizations face a significant challenge in addressing their proprietary sensitive data, leaving them vulnerable to potential breaches and non-compliance with regulations. This limitation not only hampers good data governance practices but also exposes organizations to the risks of hefty fines, reputational damage, and severe impacts resulting from a data breach.

Tailored Data Security

One of the key challenges that this feature solves is the ability to detect and protect unsupported sensitive information types. Proprietary data, such as contract numbers, customer IDs, and other confidential information, often falls outside the scope of pre-configured scans. Providing organizations with the ability to create custom sensitive information types allows them to ensure comprehensive coverage and reduce the risk of unauthorized access or disclosure.

Reinforcing Your Security Posture

By leveraging the creation of custom sensitive information types, organizations can reinforce their security posture in several crucial ways:

  • Enhanced Accuracy: Enhance the accuracy of sensitive data detection. By leveraging custom regexes, organizations can precisely locate and safeguard proprietary information that may not be covered by default scans. This increased accuracy minimizes the risk of data breaches and unauthorized disclosures.
  • Regulatory Compliance: Compliance with data protection regulations is a top priority for organizations, particularly in highly regulated industries such as financial services. Organizations can proactively address regulatory requirements by identifying and protecting sensitive data effectively. This compliance not only mitigates the risk of fines but also upholds good data governance practices.
  • Swift Response to Threats: Organizations can swiftly locate their sensitive information, allowing them to respond promptly to potential data breaches. This quick detection and response minimize the impact of unauthorized disclosures and reduce the potential financial and reputational damage associated with data breaches.

As the digital landscape continues to evolve, organizations must adopt proactive and tailored data security measures to safeguard their sensitive information effectively. By leveraging the creation of custom sensitive information types within the Qostodian platform, organizations can reinforce their security posture, minimize data breach risks, and ensure comprehensive protection for their proprietary data. Embrace the benefits of enhanced coverage and fortify your organization’s data security practices to stay ahead of evolving threats. Remember, your organization’s data security is a continuous journey, and with custom sensitive information types, you can take decisive steps toward comprehensive protection.

See how you can create custom sensitive information types in Qostodian!

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Regulatory compliance:
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Data breach prevention:
Monitor sensitive data 24/7, track data lineage, and enforce policies at endpoints
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