for Healthcare

Protect patient data, prevent ransomware, and ensure regulatory compliance.


Secure patient data
from harmful threats

  • Track your patients sensitive info and take control to prevent data leaks.
  • Gain insights on employee risk levels by utilizing Qostodian’s user-centric tracking approach.
  • Prevent oversharing of patient data and know where its moving through employees and AI.

Ensure compliance &
maintain pure trust

  • Maintain operational integrity and ensure adherence to tight compliance and regulations.
  • Sustain public confidence and protect patient data privacy with ease.
  • Establish a strong incident response plan and keep attacks at bay.

Protect your patient data with ease

Efficiently safeguard your patient data. Our comprehensive solution makes it easy to secure and control sensitive information. Arm your tech stack with Qostodian today before too long.

Safeguard data

Protect patient data privacy from unauthorized access and breaches with our supercharged solution.


Ensure compliance with regulations and managing third-party and legacy system risks.

Take control

Proactively defend against ransomware attacks that disrupt services and harm patient care.

From initial inventory to remediation

See how healthcare agencies protect their data

Focus on protecting patient data privacy, defend against ransomware attacks, and ensure regulatory compliance while managing third-party and legacy system risks.
