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Sep 20, 2023
23 NYCRR 500 is a regulation in the state of New York that establishes cybersecurity requirements for financial services companies regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). It is intended to protect consumers and ensure the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive financial information. The goal of 23 NYCRR 500 is to ensure that financial services companies in New York have strong cybersecurity programs in place to protect against cyber threats and to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive financial information.
23 NYCRR 500 is a regulation in the state of New York that applies to financial services companies regulated by the New York State Department of Financial Services (NYDFS). This includes a wide range of businesses, including:
The regulation requires these companies to implement robust cybersecurity programs to protect against cyber threats and to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive financial information.
23 NYCRR 500 requires companies to implement robust cybersecurity programs to protect against cyber threats and to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive financial information. The regulation covers a wide range of data types, including both personal and financial information. Examples of data types that may be covered by 23 NYCRR 500 include:
The specific data types that are covered by the regulation may vary depending on the specific business activities of the financial services company. The regulation requires these companies to implement controls to protect against unauthorized access to or tampering with nonpublic information, which may include any data that is not publicly available or that is subject to confidentiality agreements or other legal protections.
To comply with 23 NYCRR 500, financial services companies are required to:
If a financial services company fails to comply with the requirements of 23 NYCRR 500, it may be subject to enforcement action by the NYDFS.
The NYDFS has the authority to investigate alleged violations of the regulation and to take appropriate enforcement action, which may include the imposition of fines, the issuance of cease and desist orders, or the revocation or suspension of licenses. The NYDFS may also refer cases to other law enforcement agencies for further investigation and prosecution.
The specific penalties that may be imposed for non-compliance with 23 NYCRR 500 will depend on the nature and severity of the violation, as well as the company’s history of compliance with the regulation. The NYDFS has the authority to impose fines of up to $5,000 for each day that a violation continues, and may also seek additional remedies, such as the reimbursement of damages or the restoration of lost data.
Financial services companies that fail to comply with 23 NYCRR 500 may also face reputational damage, as well as legal and financial liability for any harm caused by a cyber attack or data breach. It is important for these companies to take the necessary steps to comply with the regulation in order to protect against cyber threats and to maintain the integrity and confidentiality of sensitive financial information.
Monitor sensitive data risk around the clock and receive alerts the instant risky accumulation, deletion or exfiltration occurs. If an incident occurs, use keyword search to look up a specific data element and track the full data lineage, including the exact location where the data got out of an environment, where it ended up – every touch point in between.
Qohash provides a complete inventory of sensitive, unstructured data at-rest. Qohash discovers sensitive data 50x faster than alternatives, across any data source, in any location. Qohash provides labeling, classification, custom RegEx and keyword searches, plus ranked and contextualized risk.
Run keyword searches by name, date, credit card number and more to find all copies of sensitive data across business systems. See which categories of sensitive data are stored on business systems. See how specific data elements moved across employees and locations. Delete data directly within the platform to show compliance with data deletion requests in any location – including endpoints.
A foundational step in conducting a risk assessment, Qohash provides an inventory of regulated data across every data source. It provides access control lists for evaluation as to whether those with access have a legitimate business need for it. Gain insight into all sensitive data critical exposure points. See how much sensitive data is on business systems and who has access to it. Put policies in place, configure risk levels appropriate to the business, and receive notifications the instant policy violations occur.
Qohash provides auditors with evidence that sensitive data is monitored and cross-referenced to employee interactions, enabling in-the-moment policy enforcement. Qohash looks into files to track data elements. It monitors those elements and cross-references them to employees and locations. Know the instant an employee has a risky interaction with sensitive data. Trace the lineage of any data element that moves onto workstations, for faster remediation.
Quickly create an access control list of all regulated data. Provide evidence of restrictions and show regular evaluation of whether those with access have a legitimate business need for it.
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