Qostodian Recon - Scheduling and Automated Reports
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This instructional video explains how to schedule scans and automate reports using Qostodian Recon. Analysts can set up regular scans to track trends and control threats on a file server. There are two ways to schedule scans: when adding a new scan or editing an existing scan. Schedules can be set to run at a specific date and time or at a set frequency. Analysts can also schedule two types of reports: “Matches” which provides a complete extract of scan results, and “Scan” which generates statistics and high-level information.

Qostodian Recon is a powerful tool that allows analysts to schedule scans and automate reports to ensure the ongoing security of a file server. By setting up regular scans, analysts can effectively track trends, identify potential threats, and take necessary actions to mitigate any risks.

There are two ways to schedule scans using Qostodian Recon. The first is when adding a new scan, and the second is when editing an existing scan. By selecting the desired option, analysts can customize the scan schedule to meet their specific requirements.

Scans can be scheduled to run at a specific date and time or at a set frequency. This flexibility allows analysts to choose the most convenient time for the scan, ensuring minimal disruption to daily operations. By automating the scanning process, analysts can ensure that the system remains constantly vigilant against potential threats.

In addition to scheduling scans, Qostodian Recon also allows analysts to schedule reports. There are two types of reports that can be scheduled: “Matches” and “Scan Reports.”

The “Matches” report provides a comprehensive extract of scan results, highlighting any matches found during the scan. This report is crucial as it enables analysts to identify specific files or documents that may be potential threats or instances of unauthorized access. By automating this report, analysts can proactively address any security issues before they escalate.

The “Scan” report is a more high-level report that generates statistics and other key information about the scanning process. This report provides an overview of the scan’s findings and helps analysts gain insights into the overall security health of the file server. By scheduling this report, analysts can receive regular updates on the status of their security system and take appropriate actions as needed.

Both types of reports can be saved in a designated folder, ensuring easy accessibility and organization. This feature allows analysts to efficiently manage and review reports, share them with relevant stakeholders, and take necessary actions based on the findings.

Qostodian Recon is an invaluable tool for analysts looking to enhance the security of their file servers. By scheduling scans and automating reports, analysts can effectively track trends, identify potential threats, and take swift action to prevent security breaches. The flexibility and convenience offered by Qostodian Recon make it a must-have for businesses and organizations looking to reinforce their cybersecurity measures.

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